Step Counting
Walking is the best way to see and experience Key West and, as we all know, it's also great exercise. Fitness experts have long been saying that walking 10,000 steps a day is one of the best ways to stay fit and healthy.
For most of you, your Key West vacation is not likely to be all about health and fitness. Walking to Flamingo's Crossing for ice cream or to your favorite watering hole for margaritas is probably more like it.
Even so, counting your Key West Steps is a great way to keep track of how much ground you cover on your sightseeing adventures.
Get one of our Step Counters or use the Step Count Estimator on the Interactive Map to tally your steps for the day. Then, "cash them in" and see what rewards you've earned.
Here's how it works:
Let's say you walk 2000* Steps. If you do, you'll earn: or
2000 steps is one quick trip up Duval Street (one way)! If you walk up Duval, you have to go back again. So, you guessed it, there's
4000 Steps and guess what?
Now, aren't you motivated count your Key West Steps?
Here are some more fun examples:
Let's go from the Casa Marina Resort to Fort Zachary Taylor State Park. That's about 5000 steps, which add up to some very yummy rewards:
Of course, after a day at the beach or exploring the Fort, you'll walk back to the hotel, bringing you up to 10,000 steps. It will actually be more when you add in the walking around you'll be doing, so let's say it's 12,000.
That's enough for a decadent frozen piña colada, an entire bottle of wine just for you, or a nice juicy burger AND fries! or
So, grab your step counter, keep track of your steps and see what fun rewards await you!
* all step counts are estimates